Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą obsługę. Informacje o ciasteczkach są przechowywane w przeglądarce i wykonują funkcje takie jak rozpoznawanie Cię po powrocie na naszą stronę internetową i pomaganie naszemu zespołowi w zrozumieniu, które sekcje witryny są dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujące i przydatne.
Varia Polish Language Center School By-laws
Varia Polish Language Center School By-laws
§ 1 Creation of the groups, fundamental rules
- Enrollment in a course is constituted by filling out a registration form (online or at Varia’s office) and paying the required fee. The By-laws are an integral part of an agreement signed between the Student and Varia. Receipt of the course fee is equivalent to acceptance of the By-laws.
- The prospective Varia students (with the exception of students starting their Polish education, students continuing their education at Varia, students who have earned a language certificate, or students holding an international language diploma) are required to take a placement test and/or participate in an interview with a Varia teacher.
- A free placement test is provided for the Student’s convenience on Varia’s web page www.kurspolskiego.pl.
- The instructional groups are created based on the Students’ language ability, age, and individual needs.
- The course is designed for Students over 15 years of age.
- Upon the class commencement, it is permissible for the Student to change course level (to a higher or a lower one) with Varia’s approval.
- The number of Students in a group vary from 5 to 14.
- If a particular class cannot be launched because of an insufficient number of participants, any fees paid by the Student in advance will be returned in full.
- If, after commencement of a class, the number of participants decreases to fewer than five, the Students will be offered to join a different group, to participate in an abbreviated course, or to have the unused fees returned.
- For Students joining the course after the commencement of the semester course, the course price is calculated individually.
- The School reserves the right to change the Teacher during the course because of unforeseen circumstances.
- Varia requires Students to be punctual, actively participate in class, and diligently prepare for future lessons. It is forbidden for the Student to be disruptive during a class, to use a mobile phone or any other equipment that interrupts the group, or to behave in a manner inconsistent with commonly accepted social norms, in particular concerning religious and national feelings.
- Students are not reimbursed for their absences.
- In case of a Teacher’s absence, technical issues, or other unforeseen circumstances, the School will provide a substitute or reschedule classes to a date convenient for all Participants.
- Varia reserves the right to record lessons for educational purposes. The recordings will be used only for the School’s purposes without being shared or distributed to third parties.
- In case of any suggestions or concerns, please contact your Teacher, the Office, or the Management.
§ 2 Certifications, tests, documents
- To obtain a course certificate a Student has to participate in at least 60% of lessons during the semester course and receive a positive grade from the final exam (min. 60%).
- A Student advances to the next level course upon passing the final test (at least 60%), attending at least 60% of lessons, completing assigned homework, and receiving a positive opinion from the Teacher about the Student’s work and his/her progress.
- A student who did not participate in the final exam with his group is required to take the test at the earliest possible date.
- At the Student’s request, Varia will provide a course registration confirmation, which can be presented to apply for a residence card or a visa.
§ 3 Payment for the course
- Students are required to pay for the entire course in advance or in installments in accordance to the price list of the School.
- The price of the course includes a 150 PLN administrative fee.
- The Course price.
3.1 The price of the semester course (at Varia and online) includes:
-Polish language lessons
-Additional materials (except for a textbook and a workbook) used in class
-Cultural program prepared for the semester course (such as lectures, themed workshops)
-Placement test
-Final exam
-Certificate of attendance
3.2 The price of the 3-week intensive course includes:
-Polish language lessons
-Additional materials (except for a textbook) used in class
-Placement test
-Final exam
-Certificate of attendance
3.3 The price of the intensive summer course includes:
-Polish language lessons
-Language and culture workshops
-Additional materials (except for a textbook) used in class
-Placement test
-Final exam
-Certificate of attendance - The course fee must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the course. There is an option to pay in two installments, which does not change the price of the course.
- The first installment should be paid within 1 week upon receipt of registration confirmation. The balance must be paid at least one week prior to the start of the course.
- In case of enrollment in a course less than one week prior to the start of such course, the full course fee must be paid at once.
- Payments can be made either in cash, by card, or by bank transfer to the below listed account:
Bank account in PLN:
VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o.
ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
31-126 Kraków
Name of the bank: mBank S.A.
The account number/IBAN:PL 51 1140 2017 0000 4102 0546 3403
Bank account in EURO:
VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o.
ul. Michałowskiego 2/3
31-126 Kraków
Name of the bank: mBank S.A.
The account number/IBAN:PL 70 1140 2017 0000 4012 0038 5708
All bank fees are the responsibility of the Student.
§ 4 Cancellation
- Cancellation rules:
- If a cancellation is made more than two weeks prior to the beginning of the course, the School will refund a Student’s entire payment less the administrative fee (150 PLN).
- If a cancellation is made less than two weeks before the beginning of the course, but prior to the commencement of the course, the Student who paid either the first installment or the full course fee is refunded the full amount less the first installment.
- If a cancellation is made after the commencement of the course (from the first day of the course), the fee is non-refundable.
- A student who applied for a visa or a residence card and received the proper document from the School is not entitled to the reimbursement of the first installment of the fee regardless of the time of the cancellation.
- If the student does not pay the second installment of the course fee within seven days after the due date, he/she loses the right to attend the classes until the bill is settled in accordance with the By-laws. A Student who does not pay the second installment of the course fee and stops attending classes continues to be obligated to fulfil the terms of his/her agreement.
- The cancellation fee for participation in a group course may be waived when the Student submits a written request to the School’s office, along with a proof of extenuating circumstances, such as: chronic illness, serious family situation, random accidents. Decision to waive the cancellation fee is made solely by the Director of VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. and will be provided within 7 days of receipt of the request.
§ 5 Warranty complaints
- Every Student has a right to file a warranty complaint. The warranty claim can refer to the teaching methods and/or organizational issues.
- A warranty claim can be submitted:
- In writing at the office of Varia Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. (ul. Michalowskiego 2/3, 31-126 Kraków).
- Via email to the address: info@kurspolskiego.pl
- A properly submitted complaint should include:
- The personal information of the Student (name, surname, address, email)
- The description of the situation causing the complaint
- The Student’s expectations regarding the resolution of the complaint
- Complaints must be submitted within seven days of the occurrence of the event.
- The School will review complaints within seven days of the date the complaint was received.
- The Student will be informed of the complaint resolution via email.
- The form of any individual compensation will be determined together with the Student.