Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą obsługę. Informacje o ciasteczkach są przechowywane w przeglądarce i wykonują funkcje takie jak rozpoznawanie Cię po powrocie na naszą stronę internetową i pomaganie naszemu zespołowi w zrozumieniu, które sekcje witryny są dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujące i przydatne.
What teaching materials of Polish will be used during the Polish language course at VARIA school (textbook, excercise book)?
During our group courses we will use Aneta Szymkiewicz and Małgorzata Małolepsza's textbooks:"Hurra! Po Polsku 1. Podręcznik studenta." Nowa edycja (levels A1.1 - A1.3), "Hurra! Po Polsku 2. Podręcznik studenta." Nowa edycja (levels A2.1 - A2.3), "Hurra! Po Polsku 3. Podręcznik studenta." Nowa edycja (levels B1.1 - B1.3). Levels B2, C1 and C2 use materials prepared by our teachers.
I don’t know what is my level of proficiency in Polish. How can I check it at VARIA School?
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) recognizes six levels of language fluency: A1. Beginner; A2. Elementary; B1. Intermediate; B2. Upper intermediate; C1. Advanced; C2. Proficient. To check your Polish language level, complete the placement test (https://www.varia-course.com/online-tests/) available on our website under the "Online tests" tab. You can take the test also at our school. Additionally, our teacher of Polish as a Foreign Language will contact you to conduct an oral test at school or via phone.
Does the School of Polish Language VARIA help in obtaining visas to Poland?
To the people who have enrolled for a Polish language course and paid the first installment, the school issues a document ("Confirmation letter") confirming enrollment and payment for the course. This document usually helps to get a visa.
Will I get a certificate of course completion at Varia School? Is it recognized by universities?
Every student at Varia School who passed the final test and attended the classes will receive the certificate of course completion. The certificate provides the following information: type of course, course duration, language level and number of lessons. The certificate issued by our centre is not an official document, however, it is recognised by the majority of universities and companies as the document confirming the command of the Polish language at a particular level.
Are there any age limits for students enrolling in the Polish course at VARIA School?
Of course there are no upper age limits. :) Group courses are for adults, that is for those aged 16 or more. In exceptional circumstances, with the written consent of a student's guardian, we also welcome younger people.
What is the method used for teaching Polish at Varia School?
The teaching at Varia School is mainly based on a communicative method. It means that we put the main emphasis on communicative skills in various life situations. Exercises reflect real-life communication. That is why there is a variety of dialogues, discussions in pairs and small groups and games in class.
Does VARIA School offer courses at different language levels?
At VARIA School we teach students at all language levels, from beginner to advanced. The students who have already had contact with the Polish language take a placement test at the beginning of the course. On the basis of the placement test results and an interview with one of our Polish teachers we assign students to appropriate groups. In determining the level of language proficiency we use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which complies with the recommendations of the Council of Europe.
Can I pay for the course by credit card at at VARIA School?
Yes. At VARIA School we also accept cash and bank transfers into our school bank account.
Can I pay for the course in euro at the school?
Yes, it is possible to pay in euro. The price list in EURO in available on our web page. Please keep in mind that change is given in PLN.
How can I enrol in the course at VARIA School?
The quickest way is to fill in the application form at VARIA School (https://www.varia-course.com/application/) which is available on our website. You can also enrol at our school’s office. When you book your place on the course, please pay the first installment (specified in the description of each course) or the entire amount for the course. It is a confirmation of participation and guarantees a place on the course.
What is the deadline for enrolling in the course at Varia School?
The dates of the courses are provided on our website. We enrol students until all places in the groups are taken, which usually happens around a week before the beginning of the course. During the semester it is possible to join existing groups if there are free places left in them (this applies only to the groups of higher language levels than beginner groups).
Is there a possibility to receive a discount for the course at VARIA School?
Information about current discounts and promotions at VARIA School are available here.
On what platform are classes conducted on at VARIA School?
Group classes at VARIA School are conducted on the Zoom platform, which is free for students. Individual online lessons are held on the most convenient platform for a student and a teacher.
How can I pay for the course?
By bank transfer, card or cash. Our students also use tools such as PayPal, Revolut or TransferWise to pay for the course as well. VARIA Centrum Języka Polskiego Sp. z o.o. Michałowskiego 2/3 street 31-126 Krakow, Poland Bank account in EURO: SWIFT/BIC: BREXPLPWMBK Name of the bank: mBank S.A. FORMERLY BRE BANK S.A. (RETAIL BANKING) LODZ Address of the bank: Skrytka pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Lodz 2 Bank account in PLN: Account number/IBAN:PL 51 1140 2017 0000 4102 0546 3403 SWIFT: BREXPLPWMBK Name of the bank: mBank S.A. FORMERLY BRE BANK S.A. (RETAIL BANKING) LODZ Address of the bank: Skrytka pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Lodz 2
What countries do most of Varia students come from?
At VARIA School we are privileged to teach people from all over the world. We have hosted students from over 90 countries. Most of them come from Europe, especially countries neighboring Poland, but more and more often we welcome students from other continents, sometimes from distant corners of the world.
What is the language used during the class at Varia School?
All lessons at Varia School, including those at the beginner level, are held in Polish. This method yields results surprisingly quickly - which greatly enhances students' motivation. From the very first classes, our students get used not only to communicating in Polish, but also to thinking in Polish. And if you're worried that you might not understand something during the lesson, trust our teachers, who know very well what ways to use to effectively convey Polish language knowledge even to beginners.
Can I get a certificate of course participation? What are the requirements at VARIA School?
Yes! To get the certificate at VARIA School you need to have at least 60% of course participation and you need to pass the final exam.
What is the average number of students in the semester course group at Varia School?
On average at Varia School, there are between 8-10 students in a group, with a minimum requirement of 5 and the maximum of 14 students per group.
What kind of workshops and lectures are available during the semester course at Varia School?
At Varia School our lectures and workshops combine a variety of aspects of Polish language and culture. You will be able to properly pronounce the rustling consonants (sz, cz) as well as practice appropriate accent and intonation. We would like to invite you to a slang workshop, where you will learn many useful and cool, modern words. Our extracurricular menu also offers: a delicious culinary workshop where you can taste Polish cuisine; a polite lecture on Polish savoir vivre; and even a Polish song workshop with a karaoke outing. All of our workshops are free of charge and you can participate in them if you want to.
When and how can I use the student’s zone at Varia School?
Every course participant will receive access to the student’s zone, where all the lessons’ materials and activities from previous classes can be found. Also, on the student’s zone you can find and print additional exercises. You can use it whenever you need to.
What if I cannot attend all the classes during the semester course at Varia School?
Every course participant at Varia School will receive access to the student’s zone, where all the lessons’ materials and activities from previous classes can be found. Also, on the student’s zone you can find and print additional exercises.
Will the children be assigned homework at Varia School?
During each course at Varia School, our students are assigned homework to intensify their contact with the language. We don’t want the children to think of the homework as an unpleasant chore, so the chosen activities are simple and fun, often in the form of educational games.
Do I take an exam at the end of the course?
Students take the final exam at the end of each course. The exam is customized for each group and includes material covered during the course. The lesson before the exam is a review lesson so you can feel well prepared. If you actively participate in the classes and pass the final exam, you will be able to continue your education at the next level course.
Can I cancel or reschedule an individual lesson of Polish at VARIA School?
Yes, we ask you to send an email to our office at least 24 hours before the lesson. In case of being late for the class the teacher will wait for you for 15 minutes, but the class will still end at the originally scheduled time.
Can I receive a completion certificate after my individual classes at VARIA School?
Yes, if you participate in at least 20 classes and score a minimum of 60% on the final test.
Does my camera have to be turned on during the lessons at VARIA School?
Having your camera on is not required, but it will make class participation easier and will certainly make all the class interactions more enjoyable.
Is online learning effective at VARIA School?
Definitely yes! Learning Polish online at VARIA School is not only effective, but also very convenient - you can study anywhere you have access to the Internet. Online classes at Varia are conducted through a professional e-learning platform with many functionalities. Modern technical solutions make the lessons dynamic and interesting. Not only do you learn effectively, but you also spend your time pleasantly.
Can I continue my learning process during at VARIA School another intensive Polish course on a higher level?
If you decide to continue learning Polish at VARIA School, you have finished one course at our school and you have passed the final exam - you are welcome to join the next group on a higher level. However, you have to remember that in order to reach a certain language level, you have to complete a given number of lesson units. Most often it’s not possible to complete one whole level e.g. A1 during one course. For example to complete A1 level you have to do three intensive courses (A1.1, A1.2 and A1.3).
Are individual lessons of Polish language for children possible at VARIA School?
Of course, you can choose this form of learning Polish for your child. The individual lesson lasts 60 minutes and costs 160 PLN. We find it to be the optimal amount of time for a child to benefit from the lesson with a Polish native speaker. You are also welcome to schedule two lessons in a row or 2 - 3 lessons per week.
Can I combine conversational meetings in Polish language with any other group course (like semester or intensive) at VARIA School?
Of course! At VARIA School you can always sign up for a Polish language course and conversational meetings at the same time. This combination will definitely help you to work on your fluency while also having interesting conversations with other people.
Does VARIA School help to organize my free time?
Yes. At VARIA School we will gladly help to organize your free time. We are located in the center of Krakow, so museums, exhibitions, and restaurants are within easy reach. We will advise you on what to see, where to go, and how to go about it. We will share with you our ideas for the best places to visit far and near, even the special gems not everyone knows about :). All our students will receive our specially prepared custom guide to Krakow’s best restaurants, museums, and clubs.
Can I receive the Varia Card while taking individual lessons at VARIA School?
Of course, every Varia student receives the Varia Card. The Varia Card (https://www.varia-course.com/varia-club-card-2/) will give you access to attractive discounts at many awesome places in Krakow.
Will I learn new phrases in Polish by participating in conversation meetings at Varia School?
Yes! During the conversation meetings we want the students at Varia School to be able to use the vocabulary they have already learned when discussing various topics. Our teachers always prepare carefully for the lessons - they prepare appropriate questions, and present additional phrases which help students to form their opinions and expand their vocabulary.
What is the age range for the children’s class at Varia School?
We invite children age 5-12 to participate in our courses at Varia School.
Who is the main audience for the conversation classes at Varia School?
The online conversation classes at Varia School are designed for people who want to improve their fluency and accuracy of Polish, who want to feel more confident in conversations on everyday topics, as well as in serious discussions. Thanks to the conversation classes our students have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary with practical, colloquial expressions as well as advanced synonyms and interesting idioms.
How much can I learn during three weeks at VARIA School?
At VARIA School beginner students are able to master basic grammar and start communicating in daily situations (i.e.: describe yourself, ask for directions, go shopping and order a meal at a restaurant). More advanced students can expect to improve their speaking fluency, expand their vocabulary, and master their grammatical skills, spelling and sentence structure.
What information do I need to provide before starting a course at Varia School?
At Varia School we would like to know your expectations and your goal in learning Polish. We will asses your language proficiency level and determine the frequency of your classes. Then, we will create the most suitable plan for your course curriculum.
What kind of workshops and lectures are available during the semester course online at Varia School?
Our lectures and workshops combine a variety of aspects of Polish language and culture. You will be able to properly pronounce the rustling consonants (sz,cz) as well as practice appropriate accent and intonation. We would like to invite you to a slang workshop, where you will learn many useful and cool modern words. We will also give you an opportunity to participate in travel, cinema, or savoir vivre workshops. All of our workshops are free of charge and you can participate in them if you want to.
Who are the children’s course teachers?
We take great care in choosing teachers suitable for children’s classes. Not only are they well matriculated (have a teaching degree in Polish language for foreigners), but are friendly and spontaneous as well as they have great interpersonal skills.
Who teaches conversation classes at Varia School?
Conversation classes at Varia School are conducted by our teachers. We try to have a different teacher for each meeting, which adds variety to the course. Each teacher has her own unique style of conversation and questioning and has a different energy 😊 – thanks to that each meeting has its own "atmosphere".
How do we monitor children’s progress at VARIA School?
At VARIA School we will be providing you a regular progress reports. We will share with you what are the strengths of your child and where more work may be needed.
What teaching materials will I be using during my individual classes of Polish at Varia School?
The teacher uses custom textbooks and materials. You can request to use your own materials.
Courses at School

Course at School
Semester Polish Language Course
- 52 lessons - 2 x 90 min weekly
- Morning and evening classes
- All language levels A1 – C2
Courses online

Course Online
- 52 lessons - 2 x 90 min weekly
- 2 x90 min evening classes
- All language levels A1 – C2
Do You Have Questions?

Justyna Kotlarczyk
Varia Polish Language Center
About Us
Fall In Love With the Polish Language, Krakow and… Varia!
Varia is the most popular Polish language school in Krakow and possibly even in the world. We pour our hearts and souls into everything we do at Varia. We are delighted knowing our students notice and appreciate our efforts.
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