Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą obsługę. Informacje o ciasteczkach są przechowywane w przeglądarce i wykonują funkcje takie jak rozpoznawanie Cię po powrocie na naszą stronę internetową i pomaganie naszemu zespołowi w zrozumieniu, które sekcje witryny są dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujące i przydatne.
Recent posts

19 Sty| 2024
Cases in Polish – how to learn them?
Polish is one of the languages using case variation in its grammar. They can cause considerable trouble for those learning Polish as a foreign language, but don't worry! The devil is not so terrible as he is painted, and with our advice, you will certainly cope with them singing!
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30 Gru| 2024
Polish language telc exam
How to pass the telc Polish language exam? What parts does it consist of? How to prepare for it?

7 Lis| 2024
One-year Polish language course – an opportunity to legalize your stay in Poland
The annual Polish language course is a language program enriched with integration meetings, workshops.

29 Paź| 2024
How do Polish language courses support preparation for language exams and certificates?
Are you planning to pass the Polish language exam? Do you want to prepare for certification in the best possible way, but don't know how to do it?

20 Cze| 2024
Intensive Polish Language Course in Krakow – Learning, Sightseeing, and Integration
If you dream of quickly and effectively mastering the Polish language, while also wanting to spend an unforgettable vacation in the heart of Poland, our two-week intensive Polish language course for foreigners in Krakow is the perfect choice for you. Combine learning with pleasure, discover the fascinating culture, make friends with people from all over the world, and explore one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

13 Cze| 2024
How to motivate yourself to learn Polish? Here are some ways to do so!
Have you started learning so many times, but quit after a short time? Do you put off learning for a "better time"? Are you no longer able to motivate yourself? No worries! We have some proven ways for you to start (and continue) learning Polish, so you can reach your dream goal!

15 Kwi| 2024
How learning foreign languages affects the brain
Knowledge of foreign languages not only helps in communication and getting to know the cultures of other nations but is also a wonderful way to maintain a healthy and agile brain for years to come! For many years, scientists from around the world have been studying how learning new languages affects brain function and cognitive development.

29 Mar| 2024
What are the most common mistakes foreigners make in Polish?
Polish language can be challenging for foreigners due to its grammar, pronunciation, and a large number of exceptions. Here are some common mistakes made by people learning Polish:

27 Lut| 2024
Cours de polonais en ligne : comment apprendre le polonais rapidement et efficacement?
La connaissance des langues étrangères est une nécessité évidente dans le monde actuel. Elle nous permet de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, de découvrir de nouvelles cultures et, par conséquent, de façonner notre perspective du monde, influençant notre ouverture d'esprit, notre tolérance et notre intelligence. Ainsi, peu importe quelle est votre motivation pour apprendre le polonais : peut-être avez-vous une épouse polonaise ou des amis de Pologne, peut-être avez-vous des contacts commerciaux avec le pays au-delà de la Vistule, ou peut-être aimez-vous simplement les défis intellectuels et vous aimez entraîner votre esprit. Vous voulez sûrement savoir comment progresser rapidement et efficacement dans l'apprentissage du polonais. Voici quelques conseils.

27 Lut| 2024
Corsi di lingua polacca online: come imparare il polacco in modo rapido ed efficace?
La conoscenza delle lingue straniere è una necessità evidente nel mondo di oggi. Ci consente di conoscere nuove persone, nuove culture e, di conseguenza, modella la nostra visione del mondo, influenzando la nostra apertura mentale, la tolleranza e l'intelligenza. Quindi, non importa quale sia la tua motivazione per imparare il polacco: forse hai una moglie polacca o amici dalla Polonia, forse hai contatti commerciali con il paese oltre la Vistola, o forse ami semplicemente le sfide intellettuali e ti piace allenare la tua mente. Sicuramente vuoi sapere come fare progressi rapidi ed efficaci nell'apprendimento del polacco. Ecco alcune indicazioni per te.
Courses Online

Course Online
- 52 lessons - 2 x 90 min weekly
- 2 x90 min evening classes
- All language levels A1 – C2
Courses at School

Course at School
Intensive 3-week Polish Language Course
- 58 lessons – 3 weeks
- 4 lessons daily
- All language levels
Do You Have Questions?

Justyna Kotlarczyk
Varia Polish Language Center
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Fall in love with the Polish language, Krakow, and… Varia!
Varia is the most popular Polish language school in Krakow and possibly even in the world. We pour our hearts and souls into everything we do at Varia. We are delighted knowing our students notice and appreciate our efforts.
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